STICK 2024 Conference & CfP

STICK is pleased to share our Call for Papers for our annual conference on Friday 11th October 2024. *Please note due to an already good reponse the deadline has been brought forward to 14th June.* The theme of this conference will be Industrial Heritage Skills and it will be held at Discovery Point home to the world famous RRS Discovery. It is evident that now, more than ever, industrial heritage skills are at risk and it’s only by having these conversations now can we do something about skills retention before they are entirely lost. Earlier this year Historic Environment Scotland
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STICK 2024 AGM and Spring Event

On Friday 3rd May, STICK will host its 2024 AGM and Spring Event with two talks about Maritime Heritage Skills from representatives involved in the HMS Unicorn and RSS Discovery ships. Our speakers and their talk titles are: “HMS Unicorn: Past practice and Future challenges” Matthew Moran, Director, HMS Unicorn Museum and Development “Lost skills and Forgotten Materials: RRS Discovery” Jim Mitchell, Industrial Heritage Consulting Ltd The event will also include the STICK AGM and papers relating to this will be circulated to members ahead of proceedings. If you would like to join STICK you can find out more and
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STICK Conference 2023: Industry on Film

The Scottish Transport and Industry Collections Knowledge Network (STICK) annual conference was held on Friday 27th October 2023 online. This followed on from the themed conferences STICK held in 2020 and 2021 on Art and Industry and Photography and Industry. Speakers included: The Making of The Big Mill (1963), Justin Parkes, North Lanarkshire CouncilYou Don’t See it Anymore, Tracey Fearnehough & Holger Mohaupt, Room 8 StudioThe Use of Moving Image in Recording Industrial Subjects, Miriam McDonald, Historic Environment ScotlandRevisiting Nuclear Film: Factual, Fictional and the In-Between, Gair Dunlop, University of DundeeOpencast Broadcast: Resurfacing Other Coal Stories, María A. Vélez-Serna, University
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STICK seeks new Chair!

STICK is seeking a new Chair of the Steering Group. The role is voluntary and not paid. The role is a great opportunity to develop your experience and networks within Scotland and advocate for the amazing collections across the country.
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Snapshot in Time: photography and industrial heritage

Snapshot in Time: photography and industrial heritage STICK held its 2021 conference on Wednesday 17th November 2021 – “Snapshot in Time” – to discuss the importance of photography as a documentation and advocacy tool for industrial and transport heritage.
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Snapshot in Time: photography competition

Snapshot in Time: photography competition Photography is an invaluable tool for recording industrial and transport history – it is ideally suited for rapid documentation in a world where dramatic or catastrophic change can occur to the fabric of industry, almost overnight, and revolutionised the documentation of historic sites. STICK invited submissions for a photography competition in the run up to its conference “Snapshot in Time” on 17th November 2021.
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Call for papers: Snapshot in Time

Call for papers: Snapshot in Time STICK is inviting submissions for papers for its 2021 conference – “Snapshot in Time” – to discuss the importance of photography as a documentation and advocacy tool for industrial and transport heritage. The conference is scheduled for Wednesday 17th November 2021.
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Recognising materials

Recognising materials Jim Mitchell leads a discussion on how to recognise and deal with engineering materials found in and on conserved objects. This session was a follow up to STICK’s Industrial Object Conservation Training.
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Burning Issues: The Future of Fossil Fuels in Heritage

STICK’s online Spring 2021 event and AGM fell on 22nd April, also International Earth Day. Focussing on the themes of the future of heritage combustion engines and green initiatives, the event explored justifying, offsetting or sustainably running engines, navigating new climate regulations at local and national levels, funding partnerships, and the future of running heritage engines.
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