Call for papers: Snapshot in Time
STICK is inviting submissions for papers for its 2021 conference – “Snapshot in Time” – to discuss the importance of photography as a documentation and advocacy tool for industrial and transport heritage. The conference is scheduled for Wednesday 17th November 2021.
Photography is an invaluable tool for recording industrial and transport history – it is ideally suited for rapid documentation in a world where dramatic or catastrophic change can occur to the fabric of industry, almost overnight, and revolutionised the documentation of historic sites.
Papers for presentation will be accepted on a broad range of subjects, including:
- Case studies in photographic survey
- The use of photographs for education, outreach and advocacy
- The research utility of existing archives of photographic material
- Developments in photographic survey techniques and their future (e.g. photogrammetry)
STICK anticipates the conference to be hosted online via zoom. We regret that we can offer no fees to speakers.
The deadline for papers is 15th October 2021
STICK would welcome 200-word submissions from academics, enthusiasts and heritage professionals for talks of 20-45 minutes. Proposals may be submitted to Matthew Bellhouse Moran at matthew@hmsunicorn.org.uk with “STICK Conference Proposal” as the email title.
You can find full details of the conference here.