STICK is pleased to share our Call for Papers for our annual conference on Friday 11th October 2024. *Please note due to an already good reponse the deadline has been brought forward to 14th June.*

The theme of this conference will be Industrial Heritage Skills and it will be held at Discovery Point home to the world famous RRS Discovery.

It is evident that now, more than ever, industrial heritage skills are at risk and it’s only by having these conversations now can we do something about skills retention before they are entirely lost. Earlier this year Historic Environment Scotland launched the Skills Investment Plan in collaboration with Skills Development Scotland (SDS) and sector stakeholders such as the Our Place in Time Skills and Expertise Group. This plan aims to ensure Scotland has the skills it needs to promote, manage and protect our historic environment.

The STICK conference will explore whether this is the case, what is the status of Industrial Heritage Skills in Scotland today and share different projects and initiatives underway to address the challenges that managing and caring for industrial heritage collections present.

We welcome a wide range of submissions. Proposals for papers (20 mins long) might include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • What are Industrial Heritage Skills and why are they important?
  • Identifying skills gaps for industrial collections
  • Training opportunities
  • Partnership working
  • Materials training
  • Overview of who is doing what and where regarding Industrial Heritage Skills

The deadline for submissions, max 200 words, is 5pm on 14th JUNE 2024. Please include your full name, organisation (if applicable), title and outline of talk.

Proposals for online talks given remotely will be considered if you are unable to travel to Dundee. STICK is unable to provide travel expenses for speakers but their fee for attending the conference will be covered.
For any queries, please contact us on