ReINVENT & ReCREATE ReCREATE is a multidisciplinary research network to rediscover and reconnect the tools, materials, laboratory and workshop environments, manufacturing skills and experimental practice that Scotland used to make colourful decorative textiles in the Industrial Revolution.
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Archives for STICK Projects
Machine Tools Project
Machine Tools Project STICK embarked on a Machine Tools Project to build upon the success of the joint STICK/NMS ‘Old Tools, New Uses’ Effective Collections project in 2011, which reviewed domestic technology and hand tool collections in Scottish museums and produced educational resources plus a master catalogue.
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Old Tools New Uses
Old Tools New Uses In October 2011, we celebrated the completion of the ‘Old Tools, New Uses’ project at Summerlee Museum of Industrial Life, Coatbridge. The network received a £25,000 grant from the Museums Association’s Effective Collections scheme (sponsored by Esmee Fairbairn) in 2009 to undertake a collections review, produce a learning resource and consider rationalisation and sustainability issues surrounding the collections. The project has surpassed its original ambitions and is now making public its achievements.
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Industrial Object Conservation Training
Industrial Object Conservation Training STICK obtained generous funding from the Museums Galleries Scotland Skills Development Fund to deliver a three day industrial object conservation training course.
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