The Subject Specialist Network STICK (Scottish Transport and Industrial Collections Knowledge Network) is looking for two committee members to replace the Vice Chair and Communications Officer who are stepping down from the steering committee at this year’s AGM.

STICK is a focus for Industry and Transport Collection enthusiasts, experts and guardians across the whole of Scotland. Our members are drawn from national organisations, private individuals, and everything in-between.

More information about STICK is available here:

The role is voluntary and will require you attending around 4-6 meetings a year and need only take a few hours a month of your time. You need not be a member of STICK currently to apply.

If you wish to be considered for either of the roles please contact Matthew Bellhouse Moran at

The deadline for applications is 21st September 2020.

Roles and Responsibilities


  • Chairs meetings and AGM when the Chair is unavailable
  • Supports the Chair in the role of focal point for the STICK and contact with other networks and organisations
  • Manages events, with the help of other        steering group members
  • Ensures all steering group members are able to fulfil their roles
  • Attends committee meetings and STICK        events

Communications Officer

  • Maintains the STICK website in collaboration with website hosts to ensure that payment for the domain is up to date
  • Coordinates regular updating of the STICK website and Twitter account
  • Sends regular updates to the membership using Mailchimp, in collaboration with the Membership Secretary
  • Works with the Membership Secretary to ensure that relevant information and papers are supplied to delegates in advance of events
  • Looks for online opportunities to raise the profile of STICK
  • Advises working group of online opportunities
  • Attends steering group meetings and STICK events