Scotland in Motion Conference – Call for papers

Economic & Social History Society of Scotland – Spring Conference, Glasgow, 6-7 May 2011 – CALL FOR PAPERS.  Call for papers deadline: 31 January 2011

The Economic and Social History Society of Scotland seeks to bring together scholars to share innovative research on Scottish life through exploration of the concept of ‘motion’.  The ESHSS Spring Conference 2011 invites paper and panel proposals which interpret the theme of movement in its broadest sense, both materially and symbolically. Whilst papers on the topics suggested below are invited, proposals are by no means limited to these areas.

Papers may explore themes including migration, population and diaspora; transportation from and within Scotland; industry, production and trade; the physical and natural environment; and political movements engaged in protest, marches and industrial action.  Papers concerning processes that are defined by movement itself, ranging from processes of urbanization, through to activities including dance and sport, are also welcomed.    Indeed, adopting a symbolic approach, the theme of ‘Scotland in Motion’ might also be used to explore issues such as ageing, changing gender relations and debates on social mobility.
Dynamism is further evident in terms of Scotland’s experience of the Enlightenment and its history of ingenuity, entrepreneurship and educational advancement.  Patterns of cultural identity and the role of
film and cinema are further aspects encapsulating the notion of motion. We therefore encourage that the theme of this conference is interpreted broadly, with the key to proposals being the idea of movement. We are especially interested in papers which highlight novel and innovative research methods and interpretations.

Abstracts of no more than 300 words are invited.  Responses to the first Call for Papers should be submitted no later than 31 January 2011 and can be sent to Dr Iain Hutchison at